Sunday, December 2, 2007

Breeze Through the NFLPA Agent Certification Test

Purchase my 35-page Collective Bargaining Agreement outline for $150. Save yourself the 50+ hours is took me to read through relevant sections and break it down.

Let me assume the role of your law clerk. I do all the boring, dirty work and provide you with the same breakdown I took into the test.

It didn't take a genius to create it, but it took time. Save yourself the time and get the finished product already! You can take it and add your own input and notes.

I don't guarantee accuracy, but I used it, and not only did I pass, but I was one of the first 10 people to finish. The outline will only make your preparation and actual test smoother. You need to have an understanding of the material yourself.

The NFLPA is very upfront about the difficulty of the Agent Certification Exam - if you study there is no reason why you should fail.

They provide you with every piece of information and materials you would need to pass - all you need to supply is a calculator and some common sense. Along with a copy of the CBA, the NFLPA provides each candidate with a binder that holds material highly relevant to test content.

The test is open-book, open-notes, but this doesn't mean you can walk into the seminar and pass the test without substantial prior preparation. Flipping through the CBA and binder will take time. With my outline, I had everything right in front of me - I barely opened the CBA during the exam!

Email me at if you have questions or would like to purchase the outline. I can provide you with a sample section upon your request.

$150 is well worth saving yourself 50+ hours of work.

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